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It's Time to Find Happier Work.











Dear Awesome, Uniquely Talented, Incredibly Gifted Person:

I have something to tell you: It's time to stop dreaming about your dream job. To stop obsessing over whether the time is right, the risk is worth it, or whether you're even good enough to experience the luxury of knowing who you really are as a big kid now. Because, you know what? There's actually never going to be a better time than RIGHT NOW to set the stage for the glorious future that's still ahead of you. Not only is NOW all you've really got, it's also the PERFECT time to take a deeper look at the amazing story of your career: The incredible arsenal of skills you've built, the epic storms you've weathered, and the valuable tools of strength and resilience you've developed along your path to personal greatness. 

"What?" you say. "I'm just stuck in a job I hate, doing work that's unfulfilling for people who don't appreciate me. There's nothing particularly heroic in any of that. And anyway, if I keep my nose to the old grindstone, maybe someone will notice and..."


Nope. Not gonna happen. Not without a good strategy. A rockin'-the-world plan, co-created with a passionate, funny, insightful coach who actually cares about your success as part of her own crazyhappy personal calling. Oh, and some super-fun tools we can play with to help us gain a new creative perspective on YOU...and get that insanely unique YOU going places.


The Universe is challenging you to step up, shake yourself up a bit, jump over the scary spots and figure out what you really want to do for the rest of your life (or at least the next few years, if you're one of those cool serial re-discoverers). To reclaim your own playful, all-knowing spirit, and experience the inner peace and unbridled joy of bringing your authentic self back into more meaningful work....even if it means moving forward all by yourself. Ready to be CRAZYHAPPY at work again? Let's get started pronto!


Step 1: (Re)disover yourself.

"I really don't know what I want, or what I'm truly good at doing." "Turns out, the thing I thought I wanted to do all this time is not at all what I enjoy doing." "I want to make a big change, but don't even know where to begin." These are the phrases I hear all the time from people just like you. And even though it may seem like a scary place to be, the only thing that makes it worse is never taking the first step forward. Like Rumi's words of wisdom tell us, everyone - even YOU, dear one - was born for a particular purpose. Each one of us is a unique piece in the great puzzle of humanity. If we take the puzzle apart just a little, we'll be able to see the shape of your genius, and (re)discover its connection to everyone else. Who are you and why are you here? Oooo, that's a great big, delicious question, isn't it? Let's have a blast on the wild expedition that takes you to a crystal-clear picture of the real, amazing, irreplaceable YOU. If you're already a self-aware, enlightened one, move along!

Step 2: Connect with your coach.

Epic journeys of self-(re)discovery are so much better when you have a sherpa, a guru, a Rafiki (love "The Lion King!"), or just an encouraging coach to enlighten you, guide you and help keep all your monsters at bay. During our 100% confidential, super-honest and often epiphany-filled coaching commitment, I will help you stay focused, hold your hand through tough reality checks, sort through the lessons of the past and listen to (but never dwell on) your "working-wounded" war stories. But more than all of that, I will be there for you, not only at our monthly sessions, but also via unlimited email access for the duration of our commitment. Let me be your personal tour guide to the future!

Step 3: Co-create from "command central."

This is where it all happens - for you, when we meet virtually to start plotting your future. It's a personal, insightful and enlightening experience wherever you are, and with me in my comfy little sanctuary in the mountains. We'll play some imaginative games, do a little role playing, consult some oracles or use any other tool in my bag of fun to gain us the clarity we need to get you going places ASAP. And then, we'll pepper your most precious dreams with good karma, sprinkle some magic dust on your resume (once you're ready, of course) and reinforce your ambitions with positive affirmations that we turn into amazingly simple, easily effortless action plans.

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