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Frequently Asked Questions

Whether we meet here in metro Atlanta, or work together virtually from anywhere in the world, I know you're bound to have some questions before we get started. So, here are the top five - and if you have one that isn't on this little list, feel free to contact me directly. Or just schedule your FREE initial consultation, whenever it works for you.


How do I even know I need a career coach?

If you're in a constant state of floundering, or jumping from one idea to the next without ever really landing on any concrete plans to move forward, then you would definitely benefit from career coaching. I can help you focus on first getting to know yourself much better, then taking a good inventory of all your fabulous skills and interests, and finally creating a road map that will get you where you really need to be in the shortest possible route. All I ask from you is a solid, three-month commitment, an open mind and a spirit of fun and adventure.


How are you different from other coaches?

I'm an intuitive career coach, which means I look a little deeper and use a wider variety of super-interesting tools to get to know your "work self" much better than tradtional coaches. It's all based on my unique approach, which includes elements of psychology, journalism, marketing, advertising, metaphysical science and arts/crafts to help us form the most complete picture of who YOU are and what sets YOU apart from others who are already working in your dream job. Also, I've been in the world of work for decades of drudgery, mixed with some amazing I get where you are right now.


Yeah, but what are your credentials? 

I started out with a B.A. in English with a Creative Writing certificate from Kent State University in beautiful rural Ohio. Since then, I have earned a Masters degree in metaphysical counseling from the University of Metaphysics/University of Sedona and am on track to finish my doctoral studies later this year (and then ya'll can call me "Dr. Jones!"). I am also a licensed metaphysical minister, which means I am a pastoral I can listen, advise and perform the occasional wedding or memorial service. Oh, yeah, and I've written a ton of books to help you entrepreneurial types find yourselves!


But what if all I need is a better resume?

That's not only perfectly fine, you'll quickly see that there is NO OTHER resume package like the one you'll get when you work with me. That's because every single one is done from scratch. It all starts with a cool, thought-provoking questionnaire that quickly gets to the heart and soul of the REAL you. The best part is, since I don't use one-size-fits-all templates (or work with tired old formats from the "robo-resume" services of the past), your resume is guaranteed to be unique...because there is no one else like YOU and no other format exactly like mine. I've helped more than 1,000 clients get going places, and can do the same for you. 


If we do the coaching first, do I get a discount on resume services?

Yep. For sure. I offer a sweet 10% off any resume package you need...and because you've worked with me, I will even extend that 10% discount to anyone in your circle of family and friends. All they need to do is tell me they were referred by you. Pretty awesome deal, huh?


T: 706.502.2437

Skype: katina.z.jones

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