find the work you'll love
Katina Z. Jones
I totally love helping each and every client get to a level or position they really want, or maybe even thought was impossible - and we accomplish that using fun, super-cool tools, insightful coaching and a revolutionary resume that truly represents ONLY them and their own brand of genius.
I'm a professional writer with 20+ years of eclectic experience that spans advertising/PR, marketing communications, publishing and career services. And a member of the Creativity Coaches of America (CCOA), WECAN, Boardroom Groups for Women and Coach's Circle. Very soon, I will have (finally!) completed my doctorate in metaphysical counseling at the University of Metaphysics and University of Sedona. Oh, yeah...and I've written numerous career columns at, and
I am also the award-winning author of books on a variety of business and lifestyle topics, including Small Business Savvy: A Woman’s Guide to Building A Business (co-written with my business mentor, Norma Rist); The Adams Businesses You Can Start Almanac; The Everything Feng Shui Decluttering Book; The Everything Get Ready For Baby Book; and I Do: Achieving Your Dream Wedding (co-written with singer/entrepreneur Jessica Simpson). More on that here.

My story:
Back in 1993, when I initially launched my business, Get Going Places LLC, it all seemed so straightforward: People needed resumes. They found me. They received something uniquely different, something that truly set them apart from others pursuing the same work. They told others, who then repeated the cycle. End of story.
Flash forward nearly 20 years: The economy has turned everyone upside down. Now, fewer of us are truly sure we’re in the right fields. Fewer of us are even happy doing the work we had fought so hard to get.
That restlessness, that sense of unease and uncertainty about the future, that yearning for more, is what led me (and evidently you, too) to this place of hope I’ve named CrazyHappyWork.
This is all about looking at your work life differently. It’s about discovering and following your passions, turning them into a road map that dispels fears and negativity and allows you to finally start moving ahead toward the life you’ve imagined.
Like many of you, I’ve tried many different paths to find what works. For me, it always comes back to helping others to see themselves in a brave, new light — then guiding them in taking whatever steps necessary to move toward a happier, healthier work-life balance.
My true purpose is inspiring people like you to tune into your natural creativity, and to harness it to find the work you’ll love. Together, we’ll explore the many possible paths to your passion and open up your potential for a joy-filled life!